A Travellerspoint blog

Rutherglen to Melbourne.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

A bit overcast today with the threat of occasional showers.

From Rutherglen we headed south to re-join the Hume Highway at Springhurst and continued south east to the M80 Western Ring Road north of Melbourne. The M80 was fairly busy with road works to widen the road not helping. Eventually we were able to turn left onto Ballarat Road which took us straight to Braybrook and the Ashley Gardens Caravan Park. As we arrived before the show week build up we were allocated drive through site
53, one that we have been on before.

After a quick set-up we headed into the City as we were staying a couple of nights with Kirrily and Ian at their apartment on Flinders Street. That evening we walked to to a very nice restaurant at the nearby Federation Square.

No photos today.

Posted by TwoAces 21:32

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